4 Questions with Cédric Filliette, Head of Ticketing & Reservations (Parc Bagatelle)


Cédric Filliette, Head of Ticketing and Reservations at Parc Bagatelle, shares what makes his park unforgettable and his initial experience with Connect&GO.



Could you tell us about your background, the visitor experience at Parc Bagatelle, and what makes your establishment so memorable?

Bagatelle is the oldest amusement park in France. We will celebrate our 70th anniversary in 2025. Located between the land and the sea in a lush green setting, Bagatelle is a park where it feels good to be there.

I have been working at the park for 20 years. I started as a seasonal operator, I even played the mascot, and now I have been Head of Ticketing for 10 years and Head of Reservations for 6 years.

At the ticketing and access control level, I am in direct contact with visitors, so it is important for me to know everything about the park in order to provide answers to their questions. This position allows me to put myself in the visitor's shoes more easily to create my products and reservations. 


To better understand the daily challenges at Parc Bagatelle, could you explain your priorities and how Connect&GO plays a role in achieving your goals?

Visitor satisfaction is a key point for the park. Therefore, visitors should not wait, or at least they should not feel like they are waiting, especially at the ticketing and access control level. 

 The management of access control with Konnect is amazing. The technology is responsive and intuitive, and ticket reading is fast. 

For my teams, the interface is easy to understand once you know the software; like everything, you need to get used to it. You especially need to get used to the terms (batches, IUD, counter, transaction, wallet, etc.). With a good grasp, I managed to create all my products easily, so I am quite proud of myself. 


The Connect&GO team greatly appreciated your involvement and the way you took charge of the project. Do you always show such initiative when a new project is assigned to you?

The Connect&GO team played an important role for me because they made me want to learn and discover this new software, which is my main work tool, whether in reservations or ticketing with my teams. Being supported in my learning is obviously beneficial for training and the feedback I will give to my team. 

It was important for me to support my team (it’s my protective side ) during the training at the park, while I benefited from several months of training, hence the creation of small guides. It was a great pleasure and an honor to do the training in pairs with the Connect&GO team that day . 

It was also great to come and support and check during the opening week and to accompany us until the end . Your team was always there to answer questions. 

As for the support service, I contact them from time to time, and they never leave me without an answer, which is really great. 


Finally, would you recommend Connect&GO to a park looking for an integrated ticketing software?

Yes, I would gladly recommend Konnect to other parks!


Thank you, Cédric, for your time and have a great season at Parc Bagatelle!