Diving into success: Aquarium de Touraine and Connect&GO

Tell us about your journey and your visitor experience at Aquarium de Touraine. What makes your establishment so unique?  

We offer a true journey from the fresh waters of the Loire to the most distant seas, passing through the tropical universe. Our main specificity is being an aquarium mainly focused on cold freshwater and featuring fish from the Loire. Few aquariums offer freshwater fish and are located inland like we are. Furthermore, through our scenography, we invite visitors to embark on a journey and raise awareness about the various species encountered throughout the visit.


What were the specific challenges you faced at the Aquarium before implementing our software?
We had our previous software for a very long time, so we had to migrate the teams to a new interface, new ergonomics, a new operation, and change everyone's habits. Therefore, we had to manage this change and deal with the initial mistrust or reluctance. Additionally, due to our operation, we have specific ticketing systems, with combined tickets for our 2 parks, representing an implementation challenge.  


How has your team adapted to our solution since its recent launch?

Our team has adapted well to these changes; it has been quite smooth, and everyone naturally grasped it. The software is simpler and more intuitive than the previous one, so the teams are happy with the change, especially the operational teams at the cash register.  


What specific improvements or efficiency gains have you noticed since implementing the Connect&GO software?  

It's more ergonomic, smoother, easier for the staff at the reception but also for the reservation department with the permanent and constant link between the POS, the e-ticketing... This wasn't the case before, where we had 2 different software programs that didn't communicate with each other.  


What is your estimate of the time (or money) savings your organization will achieve with the Konnect software?  

The transactions are faster for our receptionists; there will be a gain in efficiency and convenience during the season, we are convinced. Also, the risk of error is avoided.  


What feedback have users provided since the software was implemented? Have your team members found the software easy to adopt?

Team members are delighted with the change, "worried" at first about the novelty and change, but ultimately it's a time and convenience gain for everyone. The software has been easy to adopt for our permanent receptionists and our "regular" seasonal staff. 


How do you think our software can contribute to achieving your company's goals?

We believe it can truly help us achieve our goals because it's comprehensive and allows us to approach our objectives in a holistic manner.  


Would you recommend our software to other companies facing similar challenges?

Absolutely, we recommend it. The team is available, attentive, and aware of our challenges.